History of Russia: "Cossacks - Defenders of Motherland" exhibition presented in Kaliningrad

12 October 2020

Marking the 450th anniversary of the beginning of the Don Cossacks' service to the Russian state, the Rostov Regional Local Lore Museum launched the"Cossacks - Defenders of Motherland" exhibition in Kaliningrad. The Kaliningrad Historical and Art Museum features the best and rare exhibits from the museum collection revealing the history of the Don Cossacks, the feats and service of the Cossacks who defended Russia in various wars.

The exhibition presents weapons of both irregular and regular troops of the Russian Imperial Army. There are such items as a cane of the XVII century, flint and capsule guns, sabres, swords and pikes, as well as enemy weapons from Turkey, Poland and  France. The exhibit of particular interest is the sabre gifted by Empress Catherine II to Yesaul A. Shurupov in 1785. Some items will remind Kaliningrad residents about the participation of the Don Cossacks in the battles with Napoleon's army: a series of English satirical etchings of the early XIX century devoted to the victory of the Don Cossacks over Napoleon, historical engravings, things that Cossacks brought from Paris, a photograph of the Cossack E. Konkov, a participant in the Battle of Leipzig in 1813.

The exhibition showcases awards (commemorative medals, military insignia for hats), symbols of the ataman power, household items and uniforms of the Don Cossacks of the XIX century and the First World War (1914-1918), personal belongings of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) - Cossacks of the 5th Guards Cavalry Don Cossack Budapest Red Banner Corps.