Memory of Russia: Moscow launched the "Presnya Enterprises for the Victory Front" exhibition

16 October 2020

Presnya Museum in Moscow opened the "Presnya Enterprises for the Victory Front" exhibition. It will run until November 15, 2020. The exposition highlights the contribution of the rear to the Victory during the Great Patriotic War.

At that time, the district of Presnya in Moscow was called Krasnaya Presnya. This former industrial capital's outskirts housed many factories and plants, universities and cultural institutions. Mobilization affected everyone. Draft age personnel went to the front, their working positions were occupied by women, children and old men.

By the autumn of 1941, most of Presnya's enterprises worked for military needs. Thus, the Trekhgornaya Manufactory, which produced multicoloured textiles in peacetime, began to launch fabrics for the army during the war. The Krasnaya Presnya plant assembled and repaired the famous Katyusha multiple rocket launchers. Shells were produced by the Proletarsky Trud plant. Presnensky Machine-Building Plant made ammunition. The "Pamyaty Revolutsii 1905 Goda'' plant produced mines. The March 8 factory sewed uniforms, and the V. N. Kapranov factory manufactured footwear for the front.

The exhibition features posters of the Great Patriotic War, documents and photographs, as well as samples of products released in those times. The exposition is arranged as a stylized workers' club at the enterprise.

It is made up of three sections: "Mobilization", "Enterprises for the Front" and "People for the Front". The exposition closes with the portraits of honorary workers, which were placed in the workers' clubs of enterprises. Bulletin boards featured photographs of heroes, letters from the front and information about the awards to the staff.