History and Culture: The III Annual Scientific Conference "History of Russian Culture in Archival Documents" held in St. Petersburg

22 October 2020

October 22-23, 2020, the III Annual Scientific Conference "History of Russian Culture in Archival Documents" is being held in the Main Building of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg).

The results of scientific research of archival materials of the XVIII-XXI centuries will be presented within the framework of the conference. It is planned to focus on the issues of studying, describing, preserving and publishing handwritten documents related to figures of national history and culture of the indicated period and stored in the Department of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia, as well as other archives.

The conference, which is held in a mixed format (online and offline), is attended by employees of the National Library of Russia, as well as historians, philologists, art critics from scientific and educational institutions of St. Petersburg and Moscow: Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS, St. Petersburg Institute of History, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Museum of Theater and Musical Art, Russian National Museum of Music, State Institute of Art History and other organizations.