Libraries and Society: X All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Library Collections in the Digital Age: Traditional and Electronic Resources, Acquisition, Use" held online
On October 26, 2020, the X All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Library Collections in the Digital Age: Traditional and Electronic Resources, Acquisition, Use" was launched online at the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg).
The event is attended by over 700 leading specialists from national and federal libraries and institutions from Russia, representatives of the professional community from abroad.
The participants will discuss topical issues of librarianship, including the development of libraries and the formation of library collections in a pandemic, the digitization of book monuments, exchange views on the prospects for the creation of the National Book Platform - a service that could unite all subjects of the book market, providing it with high-quality information content and modern analytical services.
The conference will run until October 29.