Internet and Museums: Moscow Kremlin Museums launched two new series of online lectures on the VKontakte social network

9 November 2020

The Moscow Kremlin Museums launched two new series of online lectures on the VKontakte social network. Speakers are historians and art researchers - specialists of the Moscow Kremlin Museums. The lectures highlight the most significant events that fostered the creation of the Armory Chamber's Treasury, cultural and political contacts between Moscow and Italy, Russian architecture of the XV-XVI centuries, the great Russian artist Dionysius and the masters of his circle.

Speakers of these projects denied the traditional approach, which suppose the description of main collections of the Armory Chamber or stories about the Russian rulers. The "The Tsar's Treasury in the Kremlin" series will allow VKontakte users to trace the history of the appearance and development of the museum from the treasury of the Grand Princes to the modern exposition. It will be possible to learn more about unique exhibits of the Armory Chamber, for example, private belongings of the family of Ivan the Terrible and relevant items, the dinner and tea sets of the Russian Empress Catherine II and the French Emperor Napoleon. Subscribers will get access to the lectures about Italian and French masters of the Middle Ages and modern times, jewellery centres and porcelain manufactories in Europe, the customers of these masterpieces and the fate of these pieces of art.

"The Moscow Kremlin and the Epoch of Ivan III" series of four lectures is intended to represent both the ruler and the historical period of glorious events. Also, it will feature the story about the invitation of Italian architects to the capital and the construction of a new residence - the Moscow Kremlin, which marked a new stage in the development of culture. The restoration of relationships with Western Europe and marriage to the Byzantine princess Sophia Palaeologus raised Russia to a new level of international relations.

Two series of lectures include eight issues. The first lecture entitled "Secrets of the Silver Bowl. The Florentine Chalice of Master Arditi" was released on October 30. The broadcasts are held on Fridays at 19.00. The project will end on December 25 with a lecture "Dionysius and the Masters of His Circle in the Service of Ivan III". The museum broadcasts are intended to the general audience. They will be useful for high school students in the study of history, as well as students, postgraduates and all lovers of history and art.