History and Culture: Exhibition "Between the Lines. The Epoch of 1812 in Book Illustration" to open in Moscow

10 November 2020

November 10, 2020, the State Museum and Exhibition Centre "ROSIZO" (Moscow) will open the exhibition "Between the Lines. The Epoch of 1812 in Book Illustration" from the collection of the "Battle of Borodino" Panorama-Museum. It features the paintings of famous Russian and Soviet artists who worked in the genre of book illustration - a total of over 60 outstanding pictures devoted to the war with Napoleon.

It is not accidental that the theme of 1812 occupies a significant place in the work of artists, many of them are excellent in the military and historical painting. Some of these works are known as illustrations, but their originals are rarely showcased.

The exhibition presents drawings by Nikolai Samokish for the weekly magazine "Niva" (1912), illustrations by Alexander Apsit to the epic novel by Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace", drawings by Vladimir Shevchenko to the poem by Mikhail Lermontov "Borodino". Andrey Nikolaev created a series of sketches for the novel "War and Peace" at the request of the publishing house "Fine Art".

The exhibition will run until December 13, 2020.