History of Russia: Exhibition "Catherine the Great. The Golden Age of the Russian Empire" launched in Kazan

12 November 2020

The exhibition "Catherine the Great. The Golden Age of the Russian Empire" is open in the "Hermitage-Kazan" Centre as part of the Hermitage Days project. It is an exciting story not only about the personality of the Empress but also about the history of Russia, where she ruled for 34 years.

The exhibition in the halls of the "Hermitage - Kazan" Centre contains thematic sections. They feature the story of the arrival of a young German princess to Russia, her life at the court of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the palace coup of 1762 and the coronation of Catherine II, history of collecting, court and family life. The exposition includes famous ceremonial portraits of the Empress by Andres Caspar Hühne and Vigilius Eriksen, a double portrait of the Grand Princesses Alexandra Pavlovna and Elena Pavlovna, personal belongings of Princes Konstantin Pavlovich and Alexander Pavlovich, the future Emperor Alexander I. It also presents lots of memorial things of Catherine Great and members of the imperial family: costumes, children's toys, jewellery, weapons, pieces of furniture, cameos, porcelain sets, books written by Catherine II for her grandchildren, artworks made by the highest persons, and much more. Some of the exhibits were specially restored for the exhibition and showcased for the first time.

The second exhibition part spotlights the main events of the reign of Catherine II, the development of arts and crafts, the enlightening reforms. The policy of protectionism fostered the development of Russian manufactures and plants. Supplying them with orders and inviting leading European and Russian craftsmen, Catherine II contributed to the prosperity of both existing enterprises and new facilities established during her reign. Items of Tula steel, porcelain, glass, gems, bones, as well as tapestries from the Hermitage collection, describe various ways of supporting "business" in those days. Many of these items belonged to the Empress.

The reign of Catherine II is a significant stage in the history of Kazan. In 1767, Catherine II travelled along the Volga, which she loved, visited Kazan and spent several days here. This city enchanted her. The exhibition presents engravings with views of Kazan and its neighbourhoods, portraits of Catherine II in a travelling dress and things that she took with her on trips.

A systematic study of Tatar history, culture and language began during the reign of Empress Catherine. The exhibition includes "The Alphabet of the Tatar Language", the Russian translation of the Koran, the book of Pyotr Ivanovich Rychkov "The Experience of Kazan History of Ancient and Middle Ages", "The History of the Kazan Kingdom" and other works. It is impossible to talk about the literature of the XVIII century without mentioning Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin, a native of Kazan. His bronze bust is also presented at the exhibition. The poet devoted many verses to his native land, including the famous poem "Harp" (1798).

One exhibition section highlights the Pugachev revolt. Kazan hosted the headquarters of the commander of the troops sent by Catherine II to suppress the uprising. Besides, battles, which made the Pugachev bands to exile and contributed to the riot's defeat, took place not far from the city.

Catherine II paid much attention to the proper receiving of honourable guests and her court at the governors' houses. The Empress initiated the production of the so-called governor or provincial silver dinner sets in the 1770s - 1780s. The Hermitage collection has several items from the Kazan set, which are also at the exhibition.