Internet and Memorable Dates of Russia: Digital portal "Dostoevsky World", which marks the 200th writer's anniversary in 2021, launched

16 November 2020

2021 marks the 200th anniversary of Fyodor Dostoevsky. The digital portal "Dostoevsky World" is timed to coincide with the writer's anniversary. It aims to integrate the best digital and real resources to form a comprehensive picture of the rich art heritage and extraordinary personality of the greatest Russian philosopher.

A unique feature of the "Dostoevsky World" portal is a variety of materials from the collections of Russian museums and an original form of their presentation. The portal is based on the principles of scientific approach, authenticity, historicism and addressed to a general audience: from high school and university students to professional researchers and museum workers. Scientific museum specialists were engaged in the creation of the articles. It is planned to involve leading researchers of Dostoevsky from Russia and abroad.

The main page of the website is a guide to Dostoevsky's heritage with all its richness and diversity. The portal includes four sections: "The World of the Writer", "The World of Works", "The World of Readers" and "The World of Museums".

• The section "The World of the Writer" is a collection of publications about Dostoevsky's career, family, friends, places of residence, life and aesthetic impressions.

• The "World of Works" section features general characteristics of Dostoevsky's works and characters, comments on fiction, details and ideas.

• The section "The World of Readers" includes information on the scientific and creative interpretation of Dostoevsky's oeuvre. It contains works of researchers, illustrators, translators, as well as thematic communities and electronic resources.

• The section "World of Museums" preserves the memory of Dostoevsky and represents Russian Dostoevsky museums and their exhibits.

Sections allow the user to perceive the writer's life through the prism of his work and, at the same time, recognise new features of familiar characters and works through biography, museum items, researchers' interpretation.

The Vladimir Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature plans to improve the interface and content of the "Dostoevsky World" portal. The museum involves professionals, as well as ordinary Internet users, who are invited to send an application for publication. Portal address: