Internet and History: Rosarchiv released on Internet recently digitized documents about Nuremberg Trials marking the 75th anniversary of the International Military Tribunal

23 November 2020

Marking of the 75th anniversary of the launching of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Rosarchiv informs about the new acquisitions to the federal archival project "Crimes of the Nazis and Their Accomplices against the Civilian Population of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945". Recently digitized documents are devoted to the Nuremberg Trials.

For the first time, more than 3500 pages of documents (41 digitized archival files) from the collection of the Nuremberg Trials, saved in the State Archives of the Russian Federation (GA RF), are available for viewing and studying on the Internet:

· Opening and closing speeches of the chief prosecutors from the USA, the UK and France (reports by R. A. Rudenko, the Chief Prosecutor from the USSR, have been released by the project earlier);

· The main reports prepared by the Soviet prosecution and delivered at the cessions of the International Military Tribunal: "Crimes against Peace" (report by Yu. V. Pokrovsky, the Deputy Chief Prosecutor from the USSR), "Aggression against the USSR", "Forced Labor and Forced Deployment into German Slavery" (reports by N. D. Zorya, the Assistant to the Chief Prosecutor from the USSR), "Military Crimes against the Civilian Population of the USSR, Yugoslavia, Poland and Czechoslovakia", "Crimes against Humanity" (reports by L. N. Smirnov, the Assistant to the Chief Prosecutor from the USSR );

· Accusation books containing documents of the German leadership and the Wehrmacht, correspondence of the German leadership with its allies, interrogation protocols, collected by the Soviet prosecution. The documentary evidential force on the issues of German war intentions against the USSR, crimes of Nazism against humanity;

· Separate files (individual responsibility) of each defendant, containing a brief survey of official activities, evidential summaries presented by the prosecutors and the defence counsels on principal counts: "Organization of a Conspiracy and Preparation for an Aggressive War", "Aggression against the USSR, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands", "Criminal Treatment of Prisoners of War", "Crimes against Humanity", "Crimes against Civilians", "Employment of Slave Labor", "Evidence on the Issue of Concentration Camps", "Persecution of Jews", "Elimination and Malfeasance of Culture and Art", "Persecution of Religion "- 22 archival files (G. Goering, R. Hess, I. von Ribbentrop, V. Keitel, E. Kaltenbrunner, A. Rosenberg, G . Frank, W. Frick, J. Streicher, W. Funk, J. Schacht, K. Doenitz, E. Raeder, B. von Schirach, F. Sauckel, A. Jodl, F. von Papen, A. Seyß-Inquart, A. Speer, K. von Neurath, G. Fritsche, in including the case of M. Bormann, accused in absentia).

The documentary complex also includes more than 300 photographs from the Russian State Archives of Film and Photo Documents (RGAKFD) by Yevgeny Ananyevich Khaldei, the famous photographer and frontline correspondent, who filmed the Nuremberg trial. The photographs feature the views of the Palace of Justice, the venue of the sessions of the International Military Tribunal, the guards of the participating countries, court meetings, portraits of the tribunal members, prosecutors, defence counsels, media representatives. Khaldei captured the lobbies of the Nuremberg trials. He paid particular attention to the personality of G. Goering and made a series of his portraits. E. Khaldei became one of the photo reporters from the USSR, allowed to take pictures of executed criminals.

Digitized archival documents and photographs of Yevgeny Khaldei enter a special section of the project "Nuremberg Trials".

The section "Not to be Forgotten. The Atrocities of the German Fascist Troops and Their Accomplices" received new archival documents from the Archives of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Central Archives of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. There are special messages from P. M. Fitin, the head of the 1st Directorate of the NKVD of the USSR, on the situation on the Soviet territory occupied by the enemy in the first months of the war, a collection of documents and photographs about the genocide of Soviet civilians in the village of Zhestyanaya Gorka (current Novgorod Region), materials of the Political Administration and the military prosecutor's office of the 1st Belorussian Front with reports of Nazi crimes in concentration camps Chelmno, Majdanek, Treblinka, Auschwitz.

All documents of the project are searchable, entitled and have geographical indexes, keywords (tags).

Rosarkhiv is going to keep on releasing a complete set of documents about the Nuremberg trials, as well as evidence from regional state archives about Nazi crimes in the occupied Soviet territory.