Internet and History: Online exhibition marking the 290th anniversary of Alexander Suvorov available on the Victory Museum website

30 November 2020

The Victory Museum released a new virtual exposition "Suvorov's Heirs" on its website. The exhibition project is marking the 290th anniversary of the Generalissimo.

The new exhibition tells about the worthy successors of the famous military leader. The exposition includes about a hundred unique exhibits from the collections of the Victory Museum. There are personal belongings, documents and photographs of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, awarded the Order of Suvorov, portraits of military leaders by Viktor Shilov, as well as war posters and periodicals devoted to the memory of the great commander.

"The exhibition will be available offline after the museum reopens its doors to the general audience", stated the organizers.

Artists and writers created the images of great military leaders from the first days of the Great Patriotic War. One of the most popular heroes was Alexander Suvorov. For example, one of the first was a poster by the artists Kukryniksy with a poem by Samuil Marshak "We fight great and slash desperately. We are Suvorov's grandchildren, Chapaev's children", issued in 1941.   

The Order of Suvorov was established in 1942. It was awarded to the Red Army commanders for attacks against superior enemy forces, original and non-standard solutions that led to victories - "military skills" performed "after the manner of Generalissimo Suvorov".