Internet and History: "They Defended the Arctic" section released on the website of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

7 December 2020
Source: Pobeda.RF

The website of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation launched a section "They Defended the Arctic". It features archival documents about the defence of Murmansk in the summer and autumn of 1941.

A new section begins with documents about the actions of the 14th Army in the Arctic. Its units were the first to meet the enemy in the summer of 1941.

Besides, the ministry declassified documents about the actions of the enemy mountain divisions of the "Norway" corps.

The section also presents award certificates of several defenders of the Arctic.

Some of the documents are devoted to the heroic patrol sloop "Tuman" of the Northern Fleet, which was destroyed on August 10, 1941, while performing a combat mission.

The publication of archival documents about the Great Patriotic War from the collections of the Central Archives of the Russian Ministry of Defence aims at preserving and protecting historical truth, countering falsifications of history and attempts to revise the outcomes of World War II.