World History and Culture: Exposition "Russia and Oceania (XIX-XXI Centuries)" presented in Novgorod Region
On December 10, 2020, the Centre for Culture and Leisure of the Local History Museum in Soltsy (Novgorod Region) launched the exhibition "Russia and Oceania (XIX-XXI Centuries)".
The exhibition is arranged as part of the educational project "Russia and Oceania (XIX-XXI Centuries)" by the Miklouho-Maclay Foundation with the support of the Presidential Grants. It is also a part of the "Living Tradition" program of the State Art Museum of Novgorod Land.
The exposition features photocopies of paintings about the research and discoveries of Russian travellers and scientists in the XIX-XX-XXI centuries, such as N. N. Miklouho-Maclay, I. F. Krusenstern, F. F. Bellingshausen, M. P. Lazarev and many others.
It included copies of originals from the state archives and museums of Saint-Petersburg and Moscow. They all spotlight the achievements of Russian scientists and travellers in the South Seas.
The exhibition "Russia and Oceania (XIX-XXI Centuries)" clearly and truly conveys the idea of the exciting world of Oceania and covers all stages in the survey of this region: from Russian travellers of the first half of the XIX century to Russian expeditions to Papua New Guinea in 2017 and 2019.
It is the first time when the exhibition tells about historical Russian names on the world map. It also involves young people to the study of world history, culture, and allow expanding cultural horizons and foster Russian research of Oceania.
This exposition is a unique event for Novgorod Region that preserves the memory of the Russian successes in the South Seas.
The exhibition will run until January 31, 2021.