Libraries and Society: Centre for the book history and book publishing industry "Gutenberg Universe" opened at the Library for Foreign Literature in Moscow
The M. I. Rudomino All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature (Moscow) opened a centre for the book history and book publishing industry "Gutenberg Universe".
The "Gutenberg Universe" is the first multimedia centre for the book history and book publishing industry in the Russian library space. It creates a unique interactive environment for research and educational activities. The centre includes an exposition, lecture hall and reading room.
The book exposition comprises ten thematic sections devoted to the role and importance of books for peoples, development of culture, science and education over the past six centuries of book publishing.
The "Gutenberg Universe" presents a model of an XV century printing house, illustrated military and scientific books, private libraries and bookplates from rare books collection of the Library for Foreign Literature and much more. Multimedia technology improves and develops the book exposition. "Gutenberg Universe" reveals the indissoluble connection of modern information technology and the classic paper book.
This place creates a unique atmosphere of "living" history. It allows the visitor to learn something new about the history of the book publishing industry and watch the process of creating an early printed book. Everyone has the opportunity to launch independent research and read publications from rare books collection.
Now the new centre features about 53,000 documents of the XV–XXI centuries in 57 world languages. The reading and lecture halls will host scientific and educational events, workshops and library classes for children and adults.