World Culture: New Jerusalem Museum and Exhibition Centre launched an exhibition of the Golden Age of the Netherlandish painting

9 January 2021

On December 24, 2020, the New Jerusalem Museum and Exhibition Centre (Moscow Region) launched the exhibition "Younger Brueghels and Their Age. Golden Age of the Netherlandish Painting from the Collection of Valeria and Konstantin Mauerhaus". It features artworks of the XVI-XVII centuries from one of the largest private collections in Russia. The exhibition displays both the Brueghels' paintings and works by their contemporaries - well-known Flemish and Dutch artists. The exposition includes 70 pictures, most of them presented to the Russian public for the first time. This large-scale project is the final event in the festive program of the museum's centenary celebrations.

The exhibition showcases works of representatives of the Brueghel dynasty: Pieter Brueghel the Younger, nicknamed "de helse Brueghel" or "Hell Brueghel"; Jan Brueghel the Elder, nicknamed "Velvet", and his grandson, Jan Brueghel the Younger. The paintings of the dynasty's founder - Pieter Brueghel the Elder, whose name is associated with the Dutch and Flemish Renaissance, are extremely rare and not in Russian collections. However, the genius of the great master laid the foundations for generations of artists, the development of a Brueghel tradition. Foreign experts usually call this movement in the artistic life of Flanders the "Brueghel Phenomenon". It is always a subject of keen interest of art critics and the general public.

The exhibition at the New Jerusalem Museum and Exhibition Centre brings together 70 works. Most of them are oil paintings on wood, a few are on copper or canvas. Some of them have been already displayed in large federal and foreign museums.

The collection of Valeria and Konstantin Mauerhaus comprises the XVII century Flemish painting, which is a continuation of the Bruegel artistic tradition that dominated Antwerp until the XVIII century. It formed the genres of landscape, still life and portrait. The schools and movements of that time are represented at the exhibition by works of famous artists.

The exhibition area is 650 sq. m. The exhibition program includes online and offline educational events, lectures and excursions.