Information Technology and Culture: Omsk sights associated with the life and work of Fyodor Dostoevsky available thanks to a mobile app
The mobile application "Dostoevsky. Omsk" is released in Omsk. The new application provides Omsk residents and city guests with an independent route through sights associated with the life and work of Fyodor Dostoevsky.
The application is a map with 21 points. It is symbolic because the novel "The House of the Dead" by Fyodor Dostoevsky contains 21 chapters. The application allows visiting such places as the Tarskiye Vorota, the Resurrection Cathedral, the Guardhouse, the Vystavochnaya Square, the Engineering Workshop in the Omsk Fortress, Sennaya Street, the monument to Chokan Valikhanov, as well as the places in Omsk, described in the writer's works. For example, it includes the Irtysh embankment near the Omsk Fortress, mentioned in the novel "Crime and Punishment". Each location comprises text and audio records, as well as modern and historical photographs of the place. The creators of the application are going to release it on the App Store and make an English version.