Internet and History: Russian State Children's Library created an information and educational resource about the Great Patriotic War for children
The Russian State Children's Library created a special information and educational resource "Chronicle of Courage''. It tells about the Great Patriotic War to preschoolers and primary school pupils.
All portal's articles feature materials previously published in Soviet periodicals for children (Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper, Murzilka, Pioner and Koster magazines).
The main content is the history of cities and people. The website tells about those who fought at the front and the occupied territories, as well as rear workers.
For example, the "War Chronicle" section accumulates publications of the On the Fronts of the Patriotic War section of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper, reports of the Soviet Information Bureau, orders of the Chief Commander. Separate articles describe the main battles and operations. Each section of the chronicle allows getting an idea of the course of the war in detail.
Articles about battles and military operations have links to slide films from the collections of the National Electronic Children's Library and the virtual exhibition of graphic artist and illustrator Dmitry Makhashvili "1418 Days. Historical Maps of the Main Battles of the Great Patriotic War".