History of Russia: Exhibition "Conjunction of Science and Courage" presented at the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps in Saint-Petersburg

3 February 2021

The Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps presented the exhibition "Conjunction of Science and Courage". The anniversary exhibition spotlights the work of engineers. It features tools, ammunition, devices and models. It also showcases documents, posters, photographs, special clothing and weapons. Many of them are on display for the first time.

The exposition opens with a unique document from the museum's archives. It is the Report of the Artillery Ministry for 1701-1705 with the full text of the decree by Peter I on the establishment of the Artillery and Engineering School on "January 10, 1701". However, it is not the only relic. There is also a gift to Emperor Nicholas I - a model of a leather pontoon of 1831 on a three-wheeled cart. It was intended for vanguard cavalry units.

The exhibition showcases other interesting models of engineering constructions, equipment, weapons, various ammunition and bombs.

Visitors have the opportunity to get a new idea of the well-known barbed wire and see the difference between the samples of the early and late XX century.

The materials provided by the Directorate of the Engineering Corps of the Western Military District tell about the present day of the engineering corps. The photo gallery spotlights the activities of military engineers during the recent peacekeeping operations.

The exhibition will run until the end of August 2021.