Regions of Russia: Exhibition "Centenary of the Establishment of the Rybinsk Province" presented in Yaroslavl Region

15 February 2021

Rybinsk Museum-Reserve (Yaroslavl Region) presents the exhibition "Centenary of the Establishment of the Rybinsk Province".

Rybinsk has always stood out for its economic potential among the cities of the Upper Volga. First, it used to be a centre of grain trade, then - a major machine-building centre of the country.

From February 3, 1921, to February 15, 1923, Rybinsk was the centre of Rybinsk Province, which included five cities with districts (Mologa, Myshkin, Rybinsk, Poshekhonye, Uglich) and since 1922 two cities of Tver Province (Vesyegonsk and Krasnokholmsk).

Rybinsk province became part of Yaroslavl Province in 1923.

The exposition features documents of that time, graphic images of the city and its environs by local artists P. Gorbuntsov, N. Sokolov, T. Missarin, M. Shcheglov. It also includes a map of Rybinsk Province, photographs, books.

The exhibition will run until March 9, 2021.