Memorable Dates of Russia: Russia to mark the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky in 2021

12 February 2021
Source: Pobeda.RF

The festive program for the 800th anniversary of Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky includes numerous events. They will run from April to December 2021.

Thus, the project "Alexander Nevsky: The Great Northern Route" will engage museums, universities and academic institutions from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Murmansk, Vladimir, Suzdal, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov, Torzhok and Tver.

These cities will host exhibitions that present exhibits from the collections of federal and regional museums, as well as archival documents about the development of northern Russian territories.

The Novgorod Museum-Reserve will launch the project in April. It will open the exhibition "Alexander Nevsky: The Legend of the Warrior". Also, the website of the Russian Historical Society informs that Veliky Novgorod will hold a scientific conference-colloquium "Alexander Nevsky - Warrior and Politician".

It is noted that the geography of the project covers Novgorod, Vladimir and Saint-Petersburg. This route not only spotlights the milestones in the life of the prince but also describes the way of the holy relics of Alexander Nevsky, brought from Vladimir to Saint-Petersburg in 1723.

Besides exhibitions and scientific events, there will be produced and released two documentaries marking the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky. The first one is "Alexander Nevsky. Life after Life", which is devoted to the removal of the relics of Alexander Nevsky from Vladimir to Saint-Petersburg in the reign of Peter the Great. The second film "Sergei and Alexander" will tell about the creation of Sergei Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky".

Also, the project features the thematic lectures about the epoch of Alexander Nevsky from the best specialists. It is planned to issue a unique photo album "The Reliquary of Alexander Nevsky".

Besides, there will be a memorial museum devoted to the Battle on the Ice on the shore of Lake Peipsi.