History and Culture: Exhibition "Russian Bone Carving Artworks of the XVIII-XIX Centuries. Gift of the Karisalov Family" opened in Moscow Kremlin Museums
On February 5, 2021, the Moscow Kremlin Museums launched the exhibition "Russian Bone Carving Artworks of the XVIII-XIX Centuries. Gift of the Karisalov Family".
The exhibition presents a part of artworks donated to the museum from the Karisalov family's collection, revealing the diversity of bone carving art in Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Following a tradition of the Russian pre-revolutionary philanthropists, members of the Karisalov family did not only gather a remarkably comprehensive and outstanding collection of the Russian bone carvings and studied the art of bone carvers but took care of its fate as well by bequeathing it to the museum.
The core group of objects includes works from the XVIII century to the first half of the XIX century created by Kholmogory masters, who skillfully combined bone carving traditions with new trends of the epoch. Jewellery boxes and caskets, faced with bone plates of different colours, were decorated with relief images based on European engravings.
The exhibition will run until April 4, 2021, in the anteroom of the Armoury Chamber.