Internet and Society: Union of Theatre Workers of Russia to provide free access to the archive of the Moskovskiy Nablyudatel' (Moscow Observer) magazine

17 February 2021

Marking the 30th anniversary of the first publication of the illustrated magazine Moskovskiy Nablyudatel' (Moscow Observer), the Union of Theatre Workers of Russia released its archive for 1991-1998. All issues of the magazine are available for free on the website of the Central Scientific Library.

The presentation of the first magazine's issue was held at the Central House of Artists on February 7, 1991. The publication was issued regularly within eight years. The chief editor of the magazine was the famous theatre critic and theatre historian Valery Semenovsky. Also, he was responsible for publishing a supplement to the Moskovskiy Nablyudatel' - the Razgulyay magazine, a guide to the cultural life of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.