Internet and Society: "Discover Moscow" portal to mark the anniversary of Agniya Barto releasing the tour

18 February 2021

The "Discover Moscow" portal promotes a tour around the capital. The narrator is Petya Kuznetsov, the hero of Agniya Barto's poems. February 17 celebrated the 115th anniversary of the children's poet. Marking this date, the portal released a thematic tour of the city centre. The online guide is made up of memorable sites related to Agniya Barto's life and career, as well as stories from her poetic cycle "I Live in Moscow."

It is the walking route. The new guide features the description of the sites and photographs, as well as exciting information. Each location on the way includes a fragment of a poem, where Petya Kuznetsov talks about the city streets and houses. Thus, the participants will remember Agniya Barto's verses and learn more about the history of Moscow. The tour is also available online.

"We collected various photographs of places related to the work of the famous poet. So the users may trace the changes in Moscow within the dozens of years", said Sergey Shakryl, curator of IT cultural and business projects of the Moscow IT Department.

Besides the new route devoted to Agniya Barto, the "Discover Moscow" portal provides 149 interesting thematic tours, as well as 78 exciting online quests. Also, the virtual guide contains descriptions of over 3,400 monuments, museums and historical sites in Moscow. It releases information about famous figures in science and art. In 2020, the interactive guide was explored more than two million times.