History and Culture: National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan in Kazan presented the rarities of the "Orthodox Treasury" for the first time

24 February 2021

The National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan) opened a new exposition "Orthodox Treasury". It showcases unique monuments of church art and Orthodox culture.

About seventy exhibits (most of them are on display for the first time) spotlight episodes from the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and various aspects of its development in Kazan. The exposition features the museum rarities - "participants and witnesses" of the history of the Kazan Eparchy.

The silver frame of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, an outstanding item of applied art of the XVIII-XIX centuries, takes a special place in the "Orthodox Treasury". It has not left the museum depository for many decades. The images of Orthodox saints are revealed in the remarkable icons of the XVII-XIX centuries, for example, in "The Selected Saints - Guriy, the Wonderworker of Kazan, Varsanofiy the Wonderworker and German the Wonderworker''.

The exposition tells about the sacraments of Orthodox worship, presenting the garments of the priests - the rich sakkos of the Kazan Metropolitan Lavrentiy, created in one of the famous Stroganov workshops in Solvychegodsk in 1657-1672; a richly decorated mitre that belonged to German - Archbishop of Kazan and Sviyazhsky.

Items of the "special treasury" reflect both the spiritual component of Russian Orthodoxy and the material part of its rituals: icons, the saint Book of the Gospel, church utensils from the Kazan Mother of God Monastery, the Peter and Paul and Annunciation Cathedrals in Kazan, embroidery.