Memorable Dates of Russia: Exhibition "The Wizard of the Word", which marks the 190th anniversary of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov, presented in Oryol

10 March 2021

The exhibition hall of the Ivan Turgenev Museum in Oryol hosts the exhibition "The Wizard of the Word"- Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov" from the collections of the Ivan Turgenev Oryol Integrated State Literary Museum.

Maxim Gorky called Nikolai Leskov the "wizard of the word". The exhibition is devoted to the 190th anniversary of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov.

The exposition presents numerous artefacts that allow feeling Leskov's soul, his rich creative temperament and comprehending the secrets of the art of the great writer.

Visitors will see the first publications of the writer's works: Woman Warrior, Patcher, Buffoon Pamfalon, the most interesting autographs; Nikolai Leskov's photographs of different times.

The writer was an active collector of rarities. The exhibition features unusual candlesticks, writing instruments, statuettes and much more from his collection. Many presented items are from Leskov's desktop and study. All these things helped the writer to create genuine literary masterpieces.

Books from the memorial library of Nikolai Leskov are always interesting. He was an avid book lover, a reliable expert and a researcher. Leskov's book collection shows the diversity of interests and encyclopedic knowledge of the writer. Many books have Leskov's stamps and marks "Rare" and "Rare Item".

The writer's bright original talent attracted the masters of book graphics of the XX and XXI centuries. Undoubtedly, the visitors will be interested in the illustrations of the famous The Tale of Cross-eyed Lefty from Tula and the Steel Flea by Kukryniksy and A. Tyurin; Iron Will by N. Kuzmin; works by famous Oryol artists Yu. Kozlovtsev, S. Kosenkov, N. Silaev, A. Mazin, Yu. Tyutyunova. The exhibition also includes works by theatre artists O. Savarenskaya, I. Cherednikova, M. Rokhlin, V. Novikov.

The central exhibit is a portrait of the writer by V. Anisimov entitled "Retrospection of Gorokhov".

Paintings and graphic works by I. Kostomarov, N. Rymshin, O. Tuchnina present views of Oryol and Mtsensk associated with the writer's life.