Marking International Earth Day: Book Exhibition "Save the Earth for Descendants" launched in Saratov

20 March 2021

Nikolai Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University presents a book exhibition "Save the Earth for Descendants", marking International Earth Day.

On March 20, the whole world celebrates Earth Day proposed by the UN. Moreover, the international holidays' calendar includes two Earth Days. Today's celebration is timed to coincide with the Vernal Equinox Day, the second is marked on April 22.

The exhibition presents literature on various ecology issues: human interaction with the natural environment, the impact of a polluted environment on people, environmental protection. Textbooks highlight the methods of environmental education, aimed at the development of moral features, a sense of beauty and an interest in nature.

The exhibited literature is intended not only for university students studying the current ecological situation in the framework of the disciplines "Geography and Local History", "Nature Protection", "Ecology". It also will be useful to teachers and the general audience interested in the interaction of people and nature and environmental protection.

The exhibition will run until the end of March.