History of Russia: Two exhibition projects of the "Battle of Stalingrad" Museum-Reserve to launch in Astrakhan

26 March 2021

On March 26, 2021, the "Battle of Stalingrad" Museum-Reserve (Volgograd) will launch exhibitions "Heroes of the Panorama" and "The Edge of the Attack" at the Astrakhan Local Lore Museum. The project is arranged with the support of the Volgograd Regional Branch of the Russian Military Historical Society.

The exposition "The Edge of the Attack" features cold weapons of the XX century, which were used during the Second World War and, in particular, the Battle of Stalingrad. It also includes weapons of the XIX century, which allow tracing changes in the design of edged weapons.

Visitors will see sabres, swords, broadswords, backswords, dirks, daggers, knives, bayonets made in Russia and the USSR, Germany, Austria, Hungary and other states.

The exhibition "Heroes of the Panorama" presents documents and photographs of real heroes painted on the canvas "The Defeat of the Nazi Troops at Stalingrad".

The exhibitions will run until April 22.