President of Russia: Vladimir Putin chaired the meeting of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations

30 March 2021

Vladimir Putin chaired the tenth meeting of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations via videoconference.

The meeting discussed the strengthening of Russian civic identity, the creation and promotion of ethnocultural tourism, the role of education in harmonising interethnic relations, and progress in implementing the State National Policy Strategy until 2025.

Vladimir Putin congratulated Maxim Amelin, Vladimir Grigoryev and Dmitry Itskovich. They have created a unique and innovative publishing project – a multilingual anthology of contemporary literature of the peoples of Russia – and have become prize winners for their contribution to strengthening the unity of the Russian nation.

The head of the state noted: "I would also like to thank all members of our Council for being active in the drafting and subsequent adoption of amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The changes, approved by an absolute majority of citizens, have enshrined the basic principles of the state national policy; the Constitution now says a lot about it. This includes strengthening the unity of the people of Russia, ensuring interethnic accord, preserving the country's ethnocultural and linguistic diversity.

All the clauses of the updated Constitution will be followed up in federal laws. This work is already underway, as you know well. In particular, the Government, in collaboration with a wide range of experts, is working on a concept for the state language policy.

The Russian language receives special attention in the draft. You know how great its significance is for all citizens of Russia – for the socio-economic, spiritual and cultural consolidation of society.

By the end of this year, the State Duma will adopt in the third reading amendments to the Law On the Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. It will reflect the state’s responsibility for preserving the native languages of the peoples living in Russia, and for creating the right conditions for their study and development".

President of Russia also said: "Our common state language and our common cultural and spiritual values and traditions, which developed over centuries, are strengthening Russia’s unity and might, and are ensuring our sovereignty and independence".