History of Russia: Exhibition "Dreaming of Space. Rocket Science in Russia in the XVIII - Early XX Centuries" presented in Saint-Petersburg
On April 9, 2021, the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps will launch the exhibition "Dreaming of Space. Rocket Science in Russia in the XVIII - Early XX Centuries".
The first Russian rocket (fireworks) enterprises were established in the late XVII - early XVIII centuries. Russian fireworks were world-famous. Russian engineers used rich experience in the design and production of fireworks in the creation of the first explosive rockets.
The development of rocket production in Russia had its unique and independent way. Military engineers Alexander Dmitrievich Zasyadko (1779-1837) and Konstantin Ivanovich Konstantinov (1818-1871) contributed much to the creation of military explosive rockets. Thanks to the works of these outstanding people, Russian missiles in their flight (ballistic) and operational characteristics surpassed many equal models abroad.
Enthusiasts continued to work on improving the missiles. M. M. Pomortsev, a lecturer at the Artillery Academy, achieved a significant increase in the ballistic-missile range. Military engineer N. V. Gerasimov created a prototype of modern anti aircraft guided missiles.
The new exhibition presents the biographies of A. D. Zasyadko and K. I. Konstantinov and rare archival documents and publications about the origins of rocket production in Russia. It features Instruction on the Creation of Entertainment Lights, Called Fireworks... of 1824; the scientific works of Colonel Konstantinov on combat missiles with drawings, his report of 1850 on the activities of the missile department to improve combat missiles; drafts of missiles by M. M.Pomortsev and N. V. Gerasimov, their records (signed by authors) about the creation of the missiles; descriptions of rockets, reports of military commanders on the successful rocket launches, etc.
On the same day, the museum will open a new exposition complex about the life and career of the first cosmonaut of the planet. It will showcase the microwave transmission station R-406, visited by Yuri Gagarin in 1968. The visitors will see a commemorative vase (goblet), presented by Yuri Gagarin to the crew of this station and greetings by the USSR Pilot-Cosmonauts Y. Gagarin, P. Popovich, A. Nikolaev and Aviation Colonel General N. Kamanin to the participants of the assembly of the USSR Ministry of Defence on May 17, 1963.