Memory of Russia: Exhibition project "Heroes of Rzhev" opened in Tver Region

19 April 2021
Source: Pobeda.RF

From April 16, 2021 the guests of the Rzhev branch of the Victory Museum "Stalin's Headquarters" have opportunity to visit the exhibition project "Heroes of Rzhev".

The project is dedicated to the participants in the hostilities in the region of the Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge during the Great Patriotic War, heroes of resistance, partisans and natives of the region. The first exposition tells about Lieutenant General Mikhail Efremov.

The visitors are presented with rarities stored in the collections of the Moscow Victory Museum. These are the officer's personal belongings, awards, documents. Among the relics - Efremov's overcoat, the Gold Star medal, a postcard with his portrait.

The exhibition will run until June 17, 2021.