Libraries and Society: Petrozavodsk to host the All-Russian Library Congress: XXV Anniversary Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association in a blended format
The All-Russian Library Congress: XXV Anniversary Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association will be held on May 16-20, 2021. It will run in a full-time and distance format at the National Library of the Republic of Karelia in Petrozavodsk - the Library Capital of Russia in 2021. The Congress is organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Government of the Republic of Karelia. The general theme is "Library 2030: Building the Future Today". All events are held online with a limited number of full-time participants (invited by the Organizing Committee) in Petrozavodsk.
The Congress of the Russian Library Association is held on the eve of the All-Russian Day of Libraries. It is the key and the most significant annual event for libraries. It is intended for representatives of all kinds of libraries, information institutions, specialized universities and their partners, regardless of membership in the Russian Library Association. The Congress in Petrozavodsk was postponed for a year due to restrictions in the work of the Russian libraries. It marks two anniversaries of 2020: the 25th anniversary of the Russian Library Association and the centenary of the Republic of Karelia.
The Congress will traditionally feature the "Library Curator's School", "Library Blogger's School", "Restorer's School" and training seminars.
It will also provide the XXI Exhibition of Publishing Products, New Information Technology, Goods and Services for Libraries (distant format).