Information Technology and Regions of Russia: "Yugra VR-Workshop" for implementation of educational local history projects opened in the State Library of Yugra
The State Library of Yugra (Khanty-Mansiysk), within the framework of the XVII Regional Assembly of Cultural and Art Workers, launched the "Yugra VR-Workshop". It is a large joint project of the "Good Deed" Development Centre and the regional central library. It is developed under the governor's grant and aimed at increasing the interest of children and teenagers in the history of their native land with the help of the latest VR technology.
As part of the project, the library created a unique space where anyone can see how to use a VR headset, explore VR applications, learn about the history of Yugra, test reaction and agility in games.
The library’s "Yugra VR-Workshop" will be a platform for workshops on operating with VR technology and the implementation of interactive local history projects.