Information Technology and Society: Center for Research Libraries and East View company to provide open access to a collection of Russian newspapers of the XVIII-XX centuries

13 May 2021

Center for Research Libraries (USA) and East View released a Russian newspapers collection in the public domain.

CRL and East View Information Services have opened the first release of content for Imperial Russian Newspapers, the fourth Open Access collection of titles digitized under the Global Press Archive (GPA) CRL Charter Alliance. This collection adds to the growing body of Open Access material available in the Global Press Archive by virtue of support from CRL members and other participating institutions.

The Imperial Russian Newspapers collection, with a preliminary release of 230,000 pages, spans the XVIII through early XX centuries and will include core titles from Moscow and Saint-Petersburg as well as regional newspapers across the vast Russian Empire. Central and regional "gubernskie vedomosti" will be complemented by a selection of private newspapers emerging after the Crimean War in 1855, a number of which grew to be influential.

Most of the content is available thanks to the active support of the National Library of Russian, which has one of the largest newspaper collections in the world.