Society and Culture: Russia to develop festive program marking the Ambulance Worker Day

28 April 2021

On April 28, 2021, Russia celebrates the Ambulance Worker Day.

The holiday was established last year by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. This date is not accidental - on April 28, 1898, the first regular ambulance stations and the first couple of carriages for transporting patients appeared in Moscow.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin during his 17th Address to the Federal Assembly on April 21, 2021, once again accentuated the importance of ambulance workers’ labour. "Ambulance Worker Day was established as a show of respect to those who arrive first to save lives. These specialists must be provided with all necessary supplies", highlighted the head of state.

Regions of the country will host online and offline campaigns, flash mobs, workshops with the participation of students, schoolchildren, and volunteers. Also, there will be awarding ceremonies for distinguished ambulance workers.

Thus, Vladimir Putin inspected the new building of the ambulance station in Pushkin. Also, he will congratulate its employees on their professional holiday, which was established a year ago at the initiative of the head of state.