Society and Reading: XII Annual Scientific and Practical Round Table "The Role of Reading in the Development of a Child's Personality" to hold in Moscow

17 May 2021

On May 19, 2021, the Russian State Children's Library (Moscow) will host the XII Annual Scientific and Practical Round Table for Students, Postgraduates and Young Researchers "The Role of Reading in the Development of a Child's Personality", devoted to theoretical and practical issues of children's and adolescents' reading. Students of all degrees and postgraduate students of humanitarian universities, young specialists - librarians and bibliographers, teachers, philologists, sociologists, psychologists, are invited to participate in the discussion.

Suggested topics for discussion:

- theoretical aspects of the study of children's reading and children's literature;

- the influence of reading on the development of preschoolers, elementary school students and adolescents;

- family reading as a practice of the children's mental development;

- a library as an institution for introducing children and adolescents to reading;

- online practice for introducing children, adolescents and youth to reading;

- the role of the book in educating the future reader;

- special groups of children-readers.