Internet and Culture: National Library of Israel's Franz Kafka collection now available online

4 June 2021

The National Library of Israel announced that it has published its entire Franz Kafka collection online.

The collection includes a diverse array of literature and art composed of manuscripts, notebooks, travel journals, personal letters and drawings. The process of publishing the works online took years, as it required intense restoration, conservation and digitization efforts.

Kafka's papers were safeguarded by The Max Brod Archive (a close friend and publisher of Kafka) for many years before being brought to the National Library of Israel. Brod is primarily responsible for Kafka's success, having published many of his works after the author's death, including popular novels such as The Trial, America and The Castle, and even writing the first biography of the Jewish writer. Max Brod willed to donate the collection of documents to the National Library after his death but this was performed only recently after long trials.

“The Franz Kafka Papers will now join millions of other items we have brought online in recent years as part of our efforts to preserve and pass down cultural assets to future generations", said Oren Weinberg, director of the National Library of Israel. "We are proud to now offer free, open access to them for scholars and millions of Kafka fans in Israel and across the globe".