International Events: Exhibition "Marking the Centenary of Diplomatic Relations between Russia and Mongolia" presented in Saint-Petersburg

5 June 2021

An exhibition marking the centenary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Mongolia will run at the New Building of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) until June 15, 2021.

The exhibition tells about the main stages of Mongolian-Russian friendship and partnership. It features books, maps, newspapers and magazines from the National Library of Russia, revealing the history of Russian-Mongolian and Soviet-Mongolian relations.

The first exhibition section refers to the Agreement on Mongolian-Soviet Friendship and Cooperation of November 4, 1921. It includes maps of Mongolian territories, made in the XIX century by Russian travellers Nikolai Przhevalsky and Pyotr Kozlov.

The exposition illustrates the fights of the Mongolian and Soviet troops in the Battles of Khalkhin Gol in 1939 and the cooperation during the Second World War. It showcases publications by the Religious Mission, translations of the Bible into Mongolian.

The publications also tell about the recognition of Mongolia's independence in August 1945 and the Mongolian acceptance to the UN in 1961, supported by the USSR, the Soviet assistance in the construction of the Trans-Mongolian Railway and the creation of numerous joint Soviet-Mongolian enterprises. It spotlights the development of ties between the USSR and the Mongolian People's Republic in the field of culture in 1971-1985 and joint space exploration.

One of the exposition sections is devoted to the development of present trade and economic relations. It presents the protocols of negotiations from 1991 to 2004. It promotes the Russian-Mongolian Cooperation Agreement in 1993 and an open Agreement on Strategic Partnership between Russia and Mongolia on September 3, 2019, and related documents.