Museums of Russia: Kaliningrad Regional Historical and Art Museum launched the exhibition "Relics and Masterpieces of the State Historical Museum" June 15, 2021

15 June 2021

The Kaliningrad Regional Historical and Art Museum opened the exhibition "Relics and Masterpieces of the State Historical Museum" as part of the "Culture" national project for the first time.

The State Historical Museum is one of the oldest museums in Russia and the first museum of national history. It features a unique exhibition presenting relics of Russian history and culture and masterpieces of fine and applied arts.

The exhibition, which marks the 150th anniversary of the museum, shows the best pieces from all its collections and a large number of memorial artefacts. The exposition is arranged chronologically, which allows feeling the "connecting thread of times”. The rarest items reveal the run of Russian history and promote an in-depth comprehension of key events (from the Battle of Kulikovo to the Great Patriotic War). The exhibition also spotlights outstanding figures of the XII–XX centuries - princes, kings, emperors and generals, representatives of the highest aristocracy, ascetics and hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, researchers, writers and artists.

The exposition also aims to show not only the richest collections of the State Historical Museum but also the principles of their development, designed by Aleksey Uvarov and Ivan Zabelin, the founders of the museum. It focuses on the time of production and origin of the exhibited items, which also allows describing the history of the museum organization and the development of its collections and the general public support of the idea of a national historical museum. The current collection of the Historical Museum has 4.7 million items and covers the period from prehistoric times (archaeological monuments) to the present. The museum consists of 15 collection departments: archaeology, numismatics, manuscripts and early printed books, ancient Russian painting, written sources, cartography, visual art, weapons, precious metals, ceramics and glass, metal and synthetic materials, textiles, wood, furniture, books.

Especially for the exhibition in Kaliningrad, the exposition showcases relics related to the history of this region. It displays the autograph of Immanuel Kant, materials by V. I. Suvorov, A. T. Bolotov, N. M. Karamzin and cosmonaut A. A. Leonov.