Internet and Society: Virtual exhibition "History of Russian Medicine: Victories and Achievements" available on a special portal

16 June 2021

The virtual exhibition "History of Russian Medicine: Victories and Achievements" is available online. A special website presents a virtual exhibition and a guided tour.

On Friday, June 11, during the parliamentary meeting "Legislative regulation of healthcare in the Russian Federation", Chairman of the Health Protection Committee Dmitry Morozov presented the exhibition's website. It aims to show victories and achievements of domestic medicine using museum items and collections.

The exhibition is virtual due to the epidemiological situation.

The organizers of the exhibition are the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, the Russian Society of Medical Historians, the Society of Physicians of Russia, the A. I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, the Russian Museum of Medicine of the Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation, the Museum of the A. N. Bakulev National Research Centre of Cardiovascular Surgery and other medical museums of Russia.