Internet and Culture: State Russian Museum launched the portal "Information and Methodological Centre of Art Museums of the Russian Federation"

18 June 2021

The Department of the State Russian Museum "Information and Methodological Centre of Art Museums of the Russian Federation" launched a test version of the information portal The portal will be useful and interesting for both professionals and a general audience. It provides detailed information about the cultural and exhibition centres of the State Russian Museum in cities of Russia and abroad, news about museum events and activities and announcements of projects implemented together with regional museums.

The new resource releases materials about the history of the department and the main directions of its activities. Besides, it promotes information about the educational activities of the State Russian Museum. The portal informs about the current activities of the Museology School, which features programs for heads of cultural institutions, training courses and internships for museum specialists and practical training of university students. Portal visitors will have the opportunity to explore the materials of digital albums (the basis of digital exhibitions of the State Russian Museum) and use them in their research and educational activities.

The specialists of the "Information and Methodological Centre" cooperate with Russian art museums, create new educational resources and conduct professional training programs. It ensures the status of the State Russian Museum as a methodological base of the Ministry of Culture of Russia for domestic art museums.