Society and Culture: Experimental exhibition "Children of the Avant-garde. Marking the Сentenary of the State Academy of Art Sciences" opened in Moscow

24 June 2021

The All-Russain Decorative Art Museum (Moscow) launched the experimental exhibition "Children of the Avant-garde. Marking the Сentenary of the State Academy of Art Sciences''.

This project marks the centenary of the State Academy of Art Sciences. The exposition illustrates the Avant-garde time in the history of children's art pedagogy in Russia in the 1910s – 1920s and the actualization of its advanced pedagogical ideas in the XXI century.

The exhibition consists of two sections: historical and contemporary. The historical section presents a collection of children's drawings of the 1920s of the artist, researcher and teacher A. V. Bakushinsky. In 1931, he donated them to the Central House of Art Education of Children of the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Education, which has the legal successor - the Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education. The collection of drawings provides the ideas of art pedagogy of the first decades of the XX century and the concept of the Avant-garde through the children's art of those years.

The current section of the exposition presents children's art projects of modern schools and studios, displaying pedagogical practice based on art discoveries of the XX - early XXI century.

This section features the professional works by designers and teachers of the TAF Workshop (Theater of Architectural Form). They allow comprehending the context of modern art tutorship and the Avant-garde in art pedagogy in the design and architecture.

Thus, the exhibition "Children of the Avant-garde" is a kind of dialogue through the century of children and teachers of the 1920s and 2020s. It reveals ideas and approaches in the development of individual art training based on the Russian Avant-garde and world art of the XX century.