Territory of Russia: Travelling exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society to open in Vladikavkaz
The travelling exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society will be opened on June 26, 2021, at the Officers' House of the Southern Military District in Vladikavkaz. It features rare artefacts and archival documents about the development of the polar territories by the Society's members.
The exposition includes samples brought from expeditions, artefacts, documents from the rich archive of the Russian Geographical Society about the contribution of the Society's representatives to the exploration of the European part of Russia, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, polar territories and other regions. It also comprises materials about outstanding researchers who created unique cartographic, geological and botanical collections.
Besides, the exhibition features a multimedia pavilion about the BK-31 armoured boat and artefacts of the two world wars, some of them over 100 years old. Also, the travelling exposition includes the section "The Keepers of Hearth and Home", devoted to the wives of Soviet commanders and military leaders. It showcases family photographs and memoirs exhibited for the first time.
The south of Russia has already housed the exposition in Rostov-on-Don, Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. After Vladikavkaz, the exhibition will go to Kaspiysk. The project aims at popularizing the natural, historical and cultural heritage of Russia.