History and Culture: Exhibition "English Breakfast in Russia. Russian and English Ceramics of the XVIII - Early XX Centuries" opened in Tula

10 July 2021

On July 10, 2021, the Tula Branch of the State Historical Museum launched the exhibition "English Breakfast in Russia. Russian and English Ceramics of the XVIII - Early XX Centuries". The exposition features English and Russian ceramics from the collections of the State Historical Museum. These are serial production of Wedgwood, Spode, brothers Kluz and Minton porcelain factories. These manufacturers influenced Russian ceramics in the XIX century. Visitors have the opportunity to compare original English products and their interpretations by the Russian factories of the Kornilov brothers, Gardner and Kuznetsov.

Museum guests will see items that were purchased specially for the imperial Palace Farm and the Babolov Pavilion of Tsarskoe Selo at the Wedgwood factory in England and the Kiev-Mezhigorsk State Faience Factory (tableware for the "middle class"). English faience plates with landscape decor depict views of the Roman acropolis, Italian Ferrara, the Canton River in China and sights of Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Kiev.

The process of inter-influence of Russian and English cultures in the late XVIII - mid-XIX centuries evoked such a specific phenomenon of Russian culture as Anglomania. An extra affection for the English way of life, morals and habits influenced all spheres of Russian culture and everyday life of all kinds of society.