Memorable Dates of Russia: "Nekrasov and His Contemporaries" exhibition, marking the 200th anniversary of the writer, presented in Moscow

4 July 2021

An exhibition "Nekrasov and His Contemporaries" marks the 200th anniversary of Nikolai Nekrasov, the poet, critic, playwright, editor and publisher. It runs at the exhibition halls of the Vladimir Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature (17 Trubnikov Lane, Moscow).

The exhibition's name supposes both the literary circle of the poet and Nekrasov's activities as the author of the poem "Contemporaries", published at the end of his life. It also represents Nekrasov as the editor of the most prominent magazine of his time - Sovremennik (Contemporary), which accumulated the best literary forces and made famous the names of many eminent writers and poets. The magazine employed such authors as A. I. Herzen, D. V. Grigorovich, I. A. Goncharov, L. N. Tolstoy, I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, G. I. Uspensky. At different times, the ideologists of the magazine were critics V. G. Belinsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov.

The exhibition creators did not try to present the entire life and career of Nikolai Nekrasov or illustrate every day of the magazine's 20-year history. The exposition reveals both key and little-known or well-forgotten texts and events in the poet's life and environment. A separate hall is devoted to Nekrasov's contemporaries and, in particular, his little-known love lyrics.

The exposition authors considered our modern perception of the poet's personality and texts, represented in school and university programs. Interest in the poet's character begins with his texts. The first hall provides popular ideas about Nekrasov's poems and artistically reveals the reader's way to the poet.

Besides the exhibition, the Dal State Museum of the History of Russian Literature promotes lectures and round tables with the participation of literary historians, curator's excursions and performances.