Memory of Russia: Exhibition "Heroes Adorned with Orders" opened in Saint-Petersburg

10 August 2021

The Alexander Suvorov State Memorial Museum (Saint-Petersburg) launched the exhibition "Heroes Adorned with Orders".

2021 marks the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky. In 1725, the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky was established. Many statesmen were recipients of this award, including such famous persons as Alexander Suvorov, Fyodor Ushakov, Nikita Panin, Pyotr Bagration. The order was abolished together with other awards of the Russian Empire. In 1942, Soviet authorities revived the Order of Alexander Nevsky. It is the only military award in the modern Russian award system. The exhibition is devoted to the holders of the Russian Imperial and Soviet Orders of Alexander Nevsky.

The exposition features portraits of famous people: a unique lifetime portrait of one of the first holders of the Order - Alexander Menshikov, Field Marshal Burkhard Christoph von Münnich, Prince Pyotr Bagration, one of the most controversial heroes of Russian history Alexey Arkacheev, Admiral Nikolai Mordvinov, statesmen of Alexander II's reign - Vasily Dolgorukov and Pyotr Shuvalov. The history of the Russian Empire has occasions of rewarding foreign monarchs with Russian orders. For example, the Prussian King Frederick II and Emperor Napoleon received the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky. The exhibition also showcases photographs and private belongings of the holders of the Soviet Order of Alexander Nevsky: V. F. Durakov and A. M. Ivanyuk. Besides, it presents a plate from the service of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky and the unique "Alexander" anniversary banner ribbon of the 62nd Suzdal Infantry Regiment, headed by Alexander Suvorov in the XVIII century.