Society and Book Culture: Online and offline events of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Unfading Light of the Eternal Truth: Printed and Electronic Book" to hold in Saratov
September 30 - October 1, 2021, the Alexander Pushkin Saratov Regional Library for Children and Youth will host the online and offline meetings of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference "Unfading Light of the Eternal Truth: Printed and Electronic Book".
The conference invites library specialists, representatives of publishing companies and the media, experts in information technology and electronic resources, representatives of development companies and Internet technology providers. The program includes a round table Children's Reading Problems and Ways of Solution, thematic sessions, discussion platforms, expert consultations, workshops, tours to model libraries in Saratov and its region, a visit to the Volga Wave Interregional Book Exhibition.
Main topics for discussion:
- New opportunities for providing online library and information services to users.
- New forms of media promotion in libraries.
- Social networks as a tool for promoting libraries.
- Model children's libraries in the "Culture" National Project: Regional experience.
- Library as a place of attraction for "digital" children.
- National Electronic Children's Library: New opportunities for users.
- New search capabilities of the unified catalogues of libraries.
- Efficient methods of promoting children's reading in the digital age.