Russian Culture Abroad: Moscow to host the "Other Shores. Russian Art in New York. 1924" exhibition

5 September 2021

On September 16, 2021, the Museum of Russian Impressionism (Moscow) will launch the research exhibition "Other Shores. Russian Art in New York. 1924" about an expensive US show of Russian painting, sculpture and graphics by hundreds of the best authors. Almost a hundred years later, visitors will see more than 70 iconic works from Russian and the world museums and private collections, including the Albertina Gallery in Vienna.

In 1924, more than a hundred works were presented at the Russian Art Exhibition in New York. This exposition is a unique display of Russian art of the first quarter of the XX century. It was the sale of works, so its participants sent their best creations abroad.

Over time, the works were spread over different countries. The museum found many of them in the USA, Canada, the UK, Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Armenia, Tajikistan and other countries. On the territory of Russia, the paintings were in different collections from Khabarovsk to Rostov-on-Don.

This large, almost detective research should be one of the most extensive projects of the museum. It took the curators more than a year to find work. Art critics managed to discover the fate of several hundred items; some of them were rediscovered for the audience. The exposition will include works by Lev Bakst, Igor Grabar, Boris Grigoriev, Mikhail Larionov, Ilya Mashkov, Pyotr Konchalovsky, Boris Kustodiev, Zinaida Serebryakova and other artists from the State Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian Museum, State Hermitage Museum, collections of Anton Shkulev, May Bekkerman, Roman Babichev and others.

The exhibition project Hypotheses will continue the research topic. The third floor of the museum will house the paintings by Viktor and Apollinary Vasnetsov, Stanislav Zhukovsky, Boris Kustodiev and other artists whose participation in the abroad project is still questionable. Visitors will learn about the fate of the paintings and comprehend the arguments pro and contra their possible display at an exhibition in the United States.

Both exhibitions will allow us to pretend how the New York exposition looked like in 1924. Besides paintings, museum visitors will see graphic works, applied art, book illustrations and archival photographs. The exhibition program will include an extensive educational program for children and adults and inclusive events.

The exhibition will run from September 16, 2021, to January 16, 2022.