Memorable Dates of Russia: Festive events, marking the 210th anniversary of the Tsarskoe Selo Imperial Lyceum, began
This year marks the 210th anniversary of the opening of the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. This unique educational institution brought up Alexander Pushkin, Wilhelm Kuchelbecker, Anton Delvig, Alexander Gorchakov, Yakov Grot, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin and many other prominent figures of Russia.
On October 19, the Lyceum Day, the Pushkin National Museum traditionally holds the festival "Tsarskoe Selo Autumn", which brings together cultural and art workers in the halls of this prominent educational institution.
The solemn ceremony "Tribute to the Poet" is held near the monument to Alexander Pushkin in the Lyceum Garden.
The Memorial Museum-Lyceum opens the exhibition "My Friend Ivan Belkin's Tales". The exposition presents the graphic interpretation of stories by the book graphic artists of the second half of the XIX - first half of the XX century from the collection of the Pushkin National Museum.
The Media Centre (St. Petersburg, 118 Fontanka River Embankment) and regional centres of the Pushkin National Museum developed a festive program marking the 210th anniversary of the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo.
On October 19, the official museum website will launch an online exhibition entitled "My Friends, our Union is Wonderful!". It portrays the first Lyceum students, to whom Alexander Pushkin devoted his first poems.
Also, on October 19, Volkhov (Leningrad Region) will open a regional museum. There will be the presentation of the first partnership project of the Pushkin National Museum and the Volkhov City Pushkin Cultural and Information Centre. They will launch an exhibition of digitized documents "All Familiar Faces!" ("Heroes of Alexander Pushkin’s Works").