Libraries and Society: Minsk hosts the VIII International Congress "Library as a Cultural Phenomenon"

22 October 2021

On October 21-22, 2021, the VIII International Congress "Library as a Cultural Phenomenon" runs at the National Library of Belarus.

In 2021, its theme is "Libraries in a Pandemic: New Opportunities, New Solutions".

The conference discusses the following topics:

●       Joint social initiatives of cultural, scientific, educational, media and business institutions during a pandemic.

●       Library project activities: Idea - realization - promotion.

●       Legal support of library activities during a pandemic.

●       Strategic planning and evaluation of library performance.

●       The COVID-19 pandemic as a stimulus for the digital transformation of libraries.

●       The concept of Open Access and the role of libraries in its realization during a pandemic.

●       Electronic libraries and online resources in the library and information environment: New approaches to creating and providing access during a pandemic; Balance between public availability of information and protection of intellectual property rights, search for consensus.

●       Library in the system of preserving the historical and cultural memory of society: Regional and local history electronic information resources of libraries.

●       Approaches to the use of documentary collections during the spread of coronavirus infection.

●       Innovative approaches to the organization of user service during a pandemic.

●       Library as the third place during the pandemic.

●       Libraries and social media: Seizing opportunities to develop services and options.

●       Safety of library staff during a pandemic: Problems and approaches to optimizing activities.

●       Professional competence of librarians in the context of restrictive measures: Strengths and weaknesses.

●       Remote work of librarians: Issues of the organization, control, regulation, methodological and legal support.

●       Library design and library space reorganization: Approaches to ensuring the safety of staff and users during a pandemic.

Specialists from libraries, museums, archives, research organizations, educational institutions, representatives of the legislative sphere, developers and producers of software, hardware and information products are invited to participate in the congress.