Memory of Russia: Exhibition "War and Victory. View of a Frontline Artist" opened at the Saratov Local History Museum

5 November 2021

The Saratov Local History Museum launched the exhibition "War and Victory. View of a Frontline Artist". It is part of the cultural and educational project of the same name, prepared and implemented by the Society of Friends of the Saratov Local History Museum.

For the first time, the exposition showcases the watercolours from the museum collections. They were created by the Saratov artist Ye. Timofeyev during the Great Patriotic War.

Drawings by Ye. Timofeev, presented at the exhibition, is a kind of graphic chronicle of the Great Patriotic War, where the author acts as a documentary artist. Many of them depict scenes of fighting. The number of drawings portrays the national heroes of Russia as an example of dedication and courage.

The paintings spotlight the heroic deeds of Saratov residents. They also have detailed texts - a kind of frontline reports. The exhibition comprises a report on the work of the Saratov Local History Museum in 1944. It talks about the order to the artist Timofeyev to create a series of sketches and paintings on the theme "Saratov on the Fronts of the Patriotic War". Some of them are in photographs of the museum exposition of 1944–1945. A special place is occupied by works illustrating the combat way of the Yak-1 aircraft, bought by the Saratov collective farmer F. Golovaty during the Great Patriotic War with personal savings. There is also a unique document, which entered the museum in April 1945 - the "Information about the Combat Way of the First Aircraft of the Collective Farmer Ferapont Petrovich Golovaty". The exhibition includes five drawings by Ye. Timofeyev, which illustrate the heroic air battles of this aircraft.

The exposition features original posters created by the artist during the war, including Stalingrad. Awaited Victory. This item was used in the design of the greeting card, which the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin sent in 2021 on Victory Day to all veterans of the Great Patriotic War. A postcard signed by the President is also on the display.

All drawings by Ye. Timofeyev entered the album, which has a digital version available at the exhibition.

The exhibition is part of a series of events marking the 135th anniversary of the museum. Its presentation will take place after the removal of restrictive measures.