Memory of Russia: Exhibitions dedicated to mark 80th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow opened on the boulevards of the capital

29 November 2021

Gogolevsky and Tverskoy boulevards as well as the Ekaterininsky park of the capital host the "Military Affair!" exhibitions dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the battle for Moscow. They are available until December 20. The expositions feature photographs showing how, in incredibly difficult conditions, the townspeople were able to learn a new business, defend the city and drive enemies away from the capital.

“Exhibitions on the boulevards are a good opportunity for Muscovites to learn new things while walking or on the way to work. Now we have prepared expositions to mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow. We tried to highlight at the exhibitions both the life of Muscovites who remained in the city and those who went to the front. Through facts and photographs, one can, for example, understand how the barriers from balloons helped to defend the city, who the listeners were, how they managed to disguise the center of the capital in 10 days, and much more”, - said Yaroslav Onopenko, head of the Moscow Main Archive Department.